10 -17 Year olds
At Green Pass we want your children to have fun and learn new skills and in addition to this we want to create enjoyable memories.
What’s it all about?
Whilst we are creating enjoyable memories our instructors are sowing lifesaving seeds into their minds from a very early age to help them become a safe defensive driver later on in life.
Our aim is to educate your child from a very early age on how to become and good all-round defensive driver.
Unfortunately, too many young drivers lose their lives or are involved in a serious collision very early on from when they have passed their test.
Drivers aged 16 -19 are a third more likely to die in a crash than drivers aged 40 – 49. One in four 18 – 24 year olds (23%) crash within two years of passing their driving test. Young male drivers are involved in many more crashes than young female drivers. In 2018, 99 drivers aged 17-24 were killed and 1,170 were seriously injured in road crashes.
The Stats.
Worldwide, road crashes are the leading cause of death among young people aged 15-29. Young drivers are also over-represented in crash statistics compared with older drivers. For example, young drivers aged under 25 make up around one-tenth of the population in countries but represent more than a quarter of drivers killed on the road.
The high level of risk associated with young drivers is due to a combination of youth and inexperience. Their inexperience means they have less ability to spot hazards, and their youth means they are particularly likely to take risks like dangerous overtaking or speeding. This not only means that crash risk reduces over time with experience, but also that people who start driving at a younger age are less likely to be involved in a collision.
Our course objectives are designed to educate and install defensive driving techniques within your children to enable them to assess, absorb and prioritise hazards immediately. Our priority is to teach car control so it becomes natural as this will allow your child to spot hazards early and prioritise early this leading to a safe, defensive driver.