About Us
We take driving lessons seriously
All our assessors will deliver our training to the highest possible standards.

Delivering training to the highest possible standards.
At Green Pass Training, we take driving lessons seriously. All our driving instructors are fully qualified Grade A, which is the highest grade that you can gain as a driving instructor. We care passionately about our instructors’ code of conduct. We also take pride in providing a professional service and having the ability to get on with all our clients.
Our ultimate goal is to make people understand that taking driving lessons is not about simply passing the driving test; it is about learning how to drive.
All Green Pass assessors have to go through vigorous internal training lasting 6 months, once this is completed our driving assessors are subject to a further half a day training every 6 months conducted by ex-traffic police this gives the directors of Green Pass the confidence that all our assessors will deliver our training to the highest possible standards.
Meet the Team.

Quality control is of the highest importance as this is one of the guidelines set out within the “driving at work” legislation, this puts Green Pass in a very unique position as our competitors do not aspire to our levels.
All Green Pass driving assessors are vastly experienced with the following qualifications: